Calum Brannan - Social Media's Cowboy Builder?

This blog has been created to document the business antics of Mr Calum Brannan, a self-proclaimed young technology entrepreneur and Social Media guru.

The contents herein are published (and should be read) on the strict understanding that they are believed to be true, fair and accurate.

However, there is no means of independently corroborating the various sources of information used to create this content and, therefore, any aspects or comments that are proven (on the balance of probability) to be inaccurate will be removed or amended appropriately and are unreservedly apologised for in advance.

It should also be noted that, whilst third party comments will be vetted for illegal, abusive or defamatory content, all parties named herein have the unfettered right of reply and their comments will be published unedited if their identity can be validated.

In reading this blog you expressly accept the caveats detailed above and agree to consider the information contained herein with an open mind.

This blog documents the activities of Calum Brannan and his business associates.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Social Helium - Hot air or just pure "bulls**t"? Part 2

We heard this week that Michelle Stott-Leavesley (i.e. James Leavesley's wife) had an accident around Christmas and that it was "allegedly" the fault of this blog!

Apparently, she'd had sleepless nights worrying about all this information being in the public domain and the fatigue and stress caused the accident.  We were very sorry to hear this until we learned that the accident in question was actually whilst away skiing for Christmas(!!).

Now, I don't know about you, but sleepless nights aren't the most common cause of accidents whilst skiing.  They are usually caused by a conspiracy between gravity and slippery stuff under-foot.  Michelle is no virgin when it comes to skiing accidents, as their blog demonstrates.

We're glad you're OK, Michelle, and had such a great time skiing!  Perhaps you'll have returned in a frame of mind to authorise payment of the Birmingham County Sports Partnership invoice that is apparently hugely overdue.  You remember the one?  We previously highlighted it in the Conflict of Interest post a while back.

Now, when it comes to hot air, spin, waffle and downright bulls**t (to quote Calum Brannan) then this has to be a prime example.  Let's face it, when you're hurtling down a frozen mountain on two planks of wood, a bad night's sleep doesn't have much impact on your concentration.

If you're worried about embarrassing information being in the public domain, Michelle, then it's usually best not to do things you don't want people to know about, or to associate yourself with people who are likely to impact your reputation in a bad way!

Sleep well.

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